The Importance of Large Device Ownership

The Importance of Large-Screen Device Ownership, a report by Amy Gonzales, an Associate Professor of the Department of Communication at the University of California, Santa Barbara, examines the importance of large-screen device ownership and the impact disparities in ownership by race and income have on groups of people, especially marginalized groups. She is known for research focused on observing and explaining “digital divides” between groups of people by race and income, as well as students, people with disabilities, individuals experiencing chronic illness, and people without secure housing.

This report provides an evidenced-based discussion for why access to large-screen computing devices (e.g. laptops, desktops) is essential to protect against the creation of a second class digital citizen. It provides five recommendations for how to close the device aspect of the digital divide, the so-called “technology gap,” nationwide. Read more about the recommended solutions to build lasting pathway for large-screen device ownership and critical ongoing support by clicking on the document image below or here.

cover page of the research report

Updated: March 8, 2025
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